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translation from Dutch by LCB
 Ups and downs on the pigeons loft...
message posted on Thursday, November 14th, 2013

At this moment, it’s very important that the moulting ends well. Them changing their last two or three pinions is of great importance. These are in fact the most important instruments with which our pigeons return back from a race to the loft. But those that regularly use Allimax maceraat mixed with Methio Forte (HAP), will notice that this process will finish without problems.

Methio Forte
Herbots Animal Products

With another check-up on the loft, we noticed that our racing pigeons, as well the old, the yearlings as the youngsters 2013 that raced, are on one or two pinions. The moulting went quick and without interruption. I’m sure the reason here is the early separation of the sexes; immediately after the last National race from Gueret, around September 10th.  Surely, giving light during the day and with dark and rainy weather is one of the reasons.

We also were, still are and will remain supporters of giving regularly fresh grit, Vitamineral, moulting oil and beer yeast. It’s remarkable how these separated birds are waiting like little children to get some snacks. Candy seeds, a hand full of linseed per twenty pigeons but certainly also broken pick stones of clay of which not much is left in the afternoon and we take this away together with their droppings.

Now it’s early dark and we’re not that much concerned about the optimal health of our birds.  Nevertheless, we mustn’t forget the fact that there’s always the possibility of “ONE-EYE COLD”. Especially during the second part of autumn this problem often appears on many lofts. During the moulting period, it’s not necessary that our feathered friends get outside, some even don’t want to get outside in the bad weather of the last days.  It’s best to let nature do its job.
Here and there we heard about some attacks of Paratyfus, especially with those fanciers that didn’t follow our advice. You can think or say what you want but to us, it’s still better to prevent then to cure. That’s why it’s always better to consult your vet regularly. The shortage of a good vaccination becomes bigger and bigger. So be sure not to forget this.

At this moment, it’s no use to start to feed your pigeons lighter. As long as the moulting hasn’t completely finished, you have to be careful to change something in the feeding habits. In fact, this is something you always have to be careful with. A gradual change from one mixture to another will not give many problems. Most pigeons on the racing loft should look perfect. Their noses and the edges of their eyes should be very white, very soft feathers, covered with white powder are all signs of a perfect health. Here and there, we see some pigeons that stayed behind in the moulting. These moult slowly and they will drop their last pinions when the year changes. They’re pigeons, which only dropped 3 pinions when they did the last National race from Gueret. This phenomenon is hereditary because we saw the same with their ancestors, which also finished their moulting much later than the rest. Recently, we had our pigeons be vaccinated again against the Paramixo Virus. A safe way because soon there will be a shortage of vaccinations at the beginning of 2014.  So don’t be surprised and don’t wait till the day arrives when your vet tells you: ”Sorry, there’s no more product in stock.  ”Those that look into the future, will have made notes in his agenda that his pigeons should be vaccinated against Paramixo, better soon than later.  Talk about it with your vet, he’ll give you his advice.

"The Lost Son" during the champion
celebration of the Brabantse Unie

Almost half November. Many fanciers will start the winter breed. They see and hope that their winter youngsters will make the good weather in 2014.  Of course it’s possible but it’s not certain. In the mean time, experience taught me, already for about two or three years, the youngsters, which are born out of pairs formed on February 2nd, are also able to score well. These little ones (born around March 1st ) don’t have to be darkened. In fact, they develop faster than their earlier born loft-mates. They also start to train faster and hereby they can be trained earlier, all advantages that should stimulate you to try it too. Also these youngsters are able to succeed on all National races KBDB for youngsters, Thanks to the use of light and dark before the end of the season. We also noticed that with these early trained youngsters, there are less lost, another big advantage.

I think we all wait too long to train our early youngsters. That’s often because of the bad weather conditions in spring. We wait and wait and the days move fast without doing something. We know somebody, not far from us, who even had some youngsters that were classified well on the 7 National races with the youngsters. Well this fancier doesn’t look at the weather conditions. When the time has arrived, he leaves with his youngsters, stops along the way, takes out the basket and without waiting, he opens the basket to release them. Of course, he also lost some youngsters but most of them stayed and they showed themselves within the prizes, certainly with bad weather conditions. In these circumstances, a shortage of experience is one of the reasons that many early youngsters don’t find their way back home. That’s why we decided to do some changes and give all our attention to those youngsters that are born about 2 months later than the first winter youngsters in 2014, say and write around March 1st of the next year. We went ahead a bit and so we have to go back to the preparation of the winter breed.

It’s important to select our breeders and do some research. Those that aren’t fit for 100%, which didn’t finish the moulting yet, shouldn’t receive a place on the breeding loft. An adjusted mixture, completed with wheat germ oil (contains a lot vitamin E) is certainly a good advice in preparation to the breeding.

Those that prefer to breed in winter, despite our arguments, have to make sure that all selected and chosen pigeons will be well prepared because the quality of their eggs depend on it and this will give you the right answer about the health of the pairs.

The racing season has only finished two months and already we’re thinking about the breeding. How fast the days pass on.  We’ll be away for some time but we will be back on November 28th, if all goes well.  Hopefully, my readers will stay in good health and good condition. Have a nice time and till next time.

Your servant


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