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translation from Dutch by LCB
 Exhaustive report of the FCI Veterinairy Congress in Nitra (Slovakia) Olympiade 2013…
message posted on Thursday, February 21st, 2013

The meeting was opened by vice-chairman FCI, Mr. Horst Menzel (Germany), who warmly welcomed the present audience ,and then immediately passed the word to Dr. Ludger Kamphouser (Germany). He told us about the danger of a newly discovered disease of protozoën with pigeons , the so-called SARKOSPORIDIEN, that appears more and more with pigeons.

The disease is mainly carried and spread by preybirds, such as the hawk (62%° ) and the sparrow hawk (71%)This parasitic disease is strongly similar to an infection with coccidiës. The Sarkosporides can only survive in moist and wet faeces. When a pigeon is contaminated with this disease, we can say that it was already contaminated with a worm-infection.

Your servant, The Lost Son, in good
company during a party in
Eastern Europe.
Your servant, The Lost Son, with
Mr. Jilly BERTALAN, Meister-Dozent
at the University of Szent István
(GÖDÖLLŐ) and a key advisor to
the FCI, during the 33th Congress of
the FCI at the Olympiad in NITRA

It is mainly breeding-birds and birds in an open, uncovered aviary that are infected. After an infection, we can only see the first symptoms after 14 days. But when pigeons eat faeces contaminated with lots of ocysts from a bird of prey, death can appear after 7 till 10 days after contamination. In case of a minor contamination, one has to wait for 10 -30 days before the first chronic symptoms can be seen. Only after having been infected for 40-50 days wrynecks and equilibrium failures appear, shortly followed by death. (Here, there is a strong similarity with paramyxo . Sarkosporids mainly spread in the muscles and the brain. And the real danger is that a faeces research of Sarkosporid- contaminated pigeons remains negative. Yet, pigeons can survive with a treatment of Toltrasulin, Amproleum and Sultrametroxin (harmful for moulting) and of Clazuril. Of course, it is far better to take precautions and cover aviaries  . Sick birds can also be treated with water and grains, but adding electrolytes is strongly recommended, certainly in case of watery faeces. A repeated treatment and disinfection of coccidiosis is also strongly recommended. And of course, a paramyxovaccination, at least yearly cannot be forgotten.
Although there are few cases in Germany, one is doing serious research to see how the disease has already been spread. So far for the explanation of Dr. Ludger Kamphouser, which was loudly applauded.

Next, Dr. Henk De Weerd spoke about the Ornithosescomplex, that appears more and more. He spoke exhaustively about Herpes, Chlamydia, Micoplasme, Haemophylus, Circo Virus, which usually appear in combination. Especially with young birds, this contamination is disastrous and of course very dangerous when combined with E.Colli and Trichomonads.
The first symptoms of this illness are the following: clinically seen: sneezing, sniffing, yawning, wet eyes, red throats, black noses with moist, but also a one eye cold. Further, there is a bad condition , dry feathers and bad results, and the greatest problem: thick ears. When the pigeons are also contaminated with the Herpesvirus  we can see some yellow slime in the beak.. It has been proved that this disease spreads from one bird to another.    
Speaker however claims that an Ornthosis-contamination can be cured by means of Spyramycin, Lincospectin and Doxycicline.
It is also to be noted that young birds are usually contaminated with the Complex by contaminated elder birds, and very often it is seen that young birds of about 5-6 weeks old have this disease and die. It usually takes more than 3 weeks to get cured and it is better not to train a contaminated bird but to keep them at home to get better. Those who will not do this will lose a lot of pigeons, not only from their lofts but also from the races.
Subclinical symptoms of the disease are dry snot, which is difficult to detect, and a swollen head and ears. They can only heal by a cure of 2 or three weeks. Dr De Weerd says Herpes, together with wet eyes(mycoplasme) can easily be treated. Nevertheless, Herpes, Clamydia, E-Colli, together with other diseases can have bad consequences for pigeons. Let’s have a closer look at the intrinsic causes, the genetic features of the birds, their condition and sensitiveness: e.g. it is commonly known that birds from the Jansen strain are very sensitive to trichomonades. The age of the pigeons also plays a role: their immunitysystem can change and also their general condition plays a role.
Now let’s have a look at the extrinsic causes. Too high a humidity of the air, too much fresh air and draught in the loft, together with overpopulation have a bad influence on the condition of the birds. In the end they have to be treated, preferably by using antibiotics with gram-positive and gram-negative results. As already said Lincospectin, Spyramicyn and Doxycicline can be used here. But don’t forget and remember well: antibiotics cannot deal with a virus. Yet you will see that the use of them in these circumstances will raise the natural resistance.
To end, Dr De Weerd said that the Circo and Herpes- virus were a great problem for pigeons in the past, but that nowadays they are not that dangerous anymore, as long as we treat the pigeons well and give them the adjusted food.
So far  for the interesting speech of Dr De Weerd, who was much applauded.

Meanwhile do NOT forget to help
the weaned youngsters: "BIO DUIF"
ensures good intestinal flora.

The last speaker was a scientist from PHARMAGAL BIO, a scientific and reliable firm in Slovakia. Since there was a strong infection of pigeons in Slovakia some three years ago that strongly resembled Salmonella and EColli, due to weak hygiene and high stress,it was necessary for PHARMAGAL BIO  to start research. The results of this research were a few vaccins that help against paramyxo, Colli, E-Colli, stress and the feared Herpes-virus.
Especially with young birds, that are very sensible to all kinds of virus, this Slovakian vaccine would be a bless, in spite of the disagreement of Dr Henk De Weerd, who thinks a virus changes quickly and thus it’s useless to develop a new vaccine.
Yet we think, and that is our personal opinion, that the use of this vaccine with young pigeons is worth trying. We have only heard positive reactions, not only from Slovakian , but also from Hungarian fanciers. They recommended us the use of COLUMBA, a not-activated vaccine against the Paramyxo-virus. Also, SALMONAC , a not-activated oily vaccine against salmonelosis and DIFTOPHARM, a living frozen-dried vaccine against bird-pox were recommended. But mostly praised , and what really matters, was PHARMACAV COLUMBI 2, a not-activated oily vaccine against the Paramyxo-virus and the Herpes-Virus in pigeons. All these products are produced by PHARMGAL BIO.
However, the problem will always be: ‘How do we get these vaccines?’. This will certainly be a job for our pigeon vets. I hope we can count on them in this matter.
And so I end this exhaustive  report. Maybe, you can learn and remember something out of it.

Meanwhile, I wish you the very best.

Your servant


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